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The Interactive Word

      We are just beginning to deal with this new kind of electronic media. Aside from the telephone, most electronic “words” did not include an interactive component. They were instruments of mass communication, and the flow of information was one way. But with the introduction of interactivity, receivers could become sources. This has already had far-ranging impact and effects, and these will increase dramatically in the near future.

     Interactivity expanded greatly with the Internet when it was combined with the computer. Individuals could now add information to the persuasion process and sources were forced to take these inputs into account and to adjust to them accordingly. In effect, feedback became the major determinant of persuasive strategy.

Interactivity also sapped media time away from traditional forms of electronic media of mass communication like television and radio. With interactivity, video games can be used to advertise goods and services via “adver-gaming.” With interactivity, virtual reality can be used to do personal selling. Soon you can go to a virtual auto dealer or a virtual clothing store and virtually have a test drive or try on a virtual wardrobe, testing various combinations of style, size, and color and decide whether to purchase or not, all of which used to be done by sales persons.

Qualities of a Good Press Release

If a press release is to be carried by newspapers or radio or television stations, then it should obviously be written in the style of journalists. It should even go further by following the style of the particular  journal or publication it is intended for. This would mean following the house style or using terminology appropriate to it. Press releases should be set well ahead to meet the deadline for receiving copy and release instructions should be written clearly so that there is no room for misunderstandings.

In preparing releases, it is also useful to know what to avoid. Releases that are overly long are seldom carried. Editors are unlikely to take the time or spend the effort to follow up on releases that have significant information missing. Information provided must therefore be as complete as possible. Sometimes releases are not effective for very simple reasons. They might be posted according to mailing lists which are not out of date sent to people who no longer work at the organizations.

Advertisements: Information or Manipulation?

Black Like Milk: Short film about manipulation in the media (en/us)

PR World: is blog a channel of PR ?

PR World: is blog a channel of PR ?: "From my view Yes..any medium that can connect to the audiences is a way to easily access to them. What do you thinks ?"
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